"Remembrance Bear" for me to give to O.S. It's made of one of his camo shirt/jackets and one of his tee shirts. You can't see it, but on the left arm is part of the actual pocket from the left sleeve of the original shirt, with a 3 pen holder. The pocket on the front (which the pins are on) is one of the two shirt pockets with velcro closure. The velcro piece above his heart is for the name off his actual camos.
The pins are the:
1) Honor Above All pin
2) The Tenth Mountain Division pin
3) Iraq Campaign Veteran pin
On the bottom of the bear is sewn the actual garment label that identifies the material as an authentic Army issued piece.
These Army camos don't have any buttons or the bear would have button eyes.
So, I will keep it until the Grandkids are born.
I consider it a true treasure.
I did not get permission to put the seamstress' name here, but she will make a bear from any material you may own that has meaning to you (or any other material, for that matter). Please let me know if you are interested and I'll contact her to see if I can give out her number, email address, etc. Her prices are completely minimal for such a special bear.